Shatavri (asparagusracemosus) 1.5 gm
Kumbhi 0.5gm
Nagar moth (cyperus scariosus) 0.6gm
Elaichi (elattaria cardamomum) 0.25gm
Jaiphal (myristica frugranus) 1gm
Satpuspa (peucedanum graveolens) 0.6gm
Lavang (carrocphylius aromaticus)0.05gm
Ati vish (aconitum heterophyllum)0.75gm
Taj (cinnamomum zeyranicum)0.20gm
Karpur kachari (hedychium spicatum) 01gm
has carminative and digestive properties, which relieve symptomsof colic in gastrointestinal disorders in infants and children. Babysunhelp infants and children gain weight adequately. Babysunhelps restore the normal physiological function of the digestivetract, acts as an appetizer, and ensures health and well bring.
Dosage: Packing: available at all chemists in packs of 200ml packs.